About us
About RAYEN...

Our company was formed in 2016 by 27 cocoa producers, who own an area of 57 hectares located in the Soconusco region, Chiapas, maintaining a highly sustainable and quality cocoa plantation.
We are dedicated to the commercialization of fine-flavoured cocoa produced through sustainable agroforestry practices, developing climate-smart agriculture practices such as crop diversification, conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems, as well as the protection of flora, fauna, streams and aquifers.
From 2016 to 2018, we participated in the “Paisajes que Alimentan el Alma: Cacao” Initiative, implemented by Conservation International Mexico, in collaboration with the Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (UNACH) and some other partners, whose purpose was to rescue the production of native cocoa, the consumption of chocolate in Mexico and to strengthen the cocoa route with a focus on sustainability. Likewise, since 2019 we have participated in the project “Alianza por los Paisajes Sostenibles y Mercados” in the Soconusco region, an initiative implemented by the Rainforest Alliance, in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which aims to strengthen the productive activities that take place in the different landscapes, develop the capacities of producers of fine-flavoured cocoa with good agricultural practices, conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems, in addition to the development and search for differentiated markets for the marketing of sustainably processed products.

Awards and recognitions
The quality of our beans has been recognized with international awards given to allied companies that transform the raw material into chocolate, such as the “Chocolate Alliance Awards”, awarded by The Chocolate Alliance. Thanks to these awards, we have managed to position ourselves as reliable suppliers of major national and international brands, which we have been able to achieve thanks to the implementation of good practices, the correct selection of cocoa nuts and the safety in the processes of beneficiation, fermentation and drying. At the same time, we constantly work on improving processes to obtain a high quality product, aligned with the needs and demands of the current market.

NZ Chocolate awards
Gold Award: Dark bean to bar under 90%
Academy of Chocolate
Silver Medal: Dark bean to bar under 90%
Gold Medal: Dark bean to bar under 90%
Chocolate Alliance
Silver Medal: Best made at origin chocolate
Chocolate Alliance
Bronze Medal: Dark bean to bar under 90%
Silver Medal: Dark bean to bar under 90%
Gold Medal: Made at origin bar
Gold Medal: Drinking chocolate
Academy of Chocolate
Gold Medal: Dark bean to bar under 90%
NZ Chocolate awards
Gold Award: Dark bean to bar under 90%
Academy of Chocolate
Silver Medal: Dark bean to bar under 90%
Gold Medal: Dark bean to bar under 90%
Chocolate Alliance
Silver Medal: Best made at origin chocolate
Chocolate Alliance
Bronze Medal: Dark bean to bar under 90%
Silver Medal: Dark bean to bar under 90%
Gold Medal: Made at origin bar
Gold Medal: Drinking chocolate
Academy of Chocolate
Gold Medal: Dark bean to bar under 90%
Our Products

Rayen Blend: This is the first blend we offer, which has been recognized internationally by winning different awards; this blend is made with cocoa beans from the farms of our producers located in the area of Soconusco, Chiapas. It has as its essence a high genetic diversity, coming from the different varieties of cocoa produced in the agroforestry systems (AFS) RAYEN (foreign, trinitarian and creole cocoa), so, in this mixture we can find a range of flavors and wide aromas (citrus, wood, dried fruits).
Tuxtla Chico Centenary: Beans that originate from the cocoa produced in the municipality of Tuxtla Chico, whose name is due to the age of the crops in the area (more than 100 years), the predominant variety is foreign type, the producers come from a third and fourth generation of cocoa growers. Its taste is acidic and medium bitter, with a tendency to an aroma of dried fruits.
Rayen Mixture Special Edition: Product with qualities and characteristics similar to the Rayen Mixture, at the end of the drying process, a feedback is given to the beans, which allows to obtain caramel aromas and flavors.
White Pearl: Cocoa beans from the white creole almond (without mixing it with any other variety), whose fermentation process is differentiated and is characterized by its aromas of floral, citrus, fruit and nuts.
Cocoa Second: Fine aroma cocoa beans, composed of Rayen mixtures, with some deficiencies in the beans, as to their formation and or maturity.
Conventional washed: Cocoa beans washed and dried in syringes, is characterized by being bitter, astringent and with greater acidity.

This is the first blend we offer, which has been recognized internationally by winning different awards; this blend is made with cocoa beans from the farms of our producers located in the area of Soconusco, Chiapas. It has as its essence a high genetic diversity, coming from the different varieties of cocoa produced in the agroforestry systems (AFS) RAYEN (foreign, trinitarian and creole cocoa), so, in this mixture we can find a range of flavors and wide aromas (citrus, wood, dried fruits).
Beans that originate from the cocoa produced in the municipality of Tuxtla Chico, whose name is due to the age of the crops in the area (more than 100 years), the predominant variety is foreign type, the producers come from a third and fourth generation of cocoa growers. Its taste is acidic and medium bitter, with a tendency to an aroma of dried fruits.
Product with qualities and characteristics similar to the Rayen Mixture, at the end of the drying process, a feedback is given to the beans, which allows to obtain caramel aromas and flavors.
Granos de cacao provenientes de la almendra blanca de tipo criollo (sin mezclarla con ninguna otra variedad), cuyo proceso de fermentación es diferenciado y se caracteriza por sus aromas a florales, cítricos, frutales y nueces.Cocoa beans from the white creole almond (without mixing it with any other variety), whose fermentation process is differentiated and is characterized by its aromas of floral, citrus, fruit and nuts.
Fine aroma cocoa beans, composed of Rayen mixtures, with some deficiencies in the beans, as to their formation and or maturity.
Cocoa beans washed and dried in syringes, is characterized by being bitter, astringent and with greater acidity.
Geographical area of coverage
At the national level we have a presence in Campeche, Mexico City, Chiapas, Tabasco, Quintana Roo and Veracruz, and at the international level we reach New Zealand, Canada, the United States and Switzerland.
Sustainability report
Number of male and female producers
(10 men and 2 women)
57 hectares
Number of hectares with best production practices
12 tons
Annual production with
better practices
Number of families
– We work with producers of fine aromatic cocoa from the Soconusco region who have more than 30 years of experience in cocoa production; originally we started working with producers from the municipality of Tapachula in the ejidos of Raymundo Enríquez, Llano de la Lima, Río Florido, Francisco I. Madero and Hidalgo, later expanding in partnership with producers in the municipalities of Tuxtla Chico, Suchiate, all of them in the Soconusco area. To date, we have reached an annual volume of more than 12 tons of cocoa, produced on an area of 57 hectares with trees of three varieties: foreign (35%), trinitarian (35%) and creole (30%), adopting practices of climate-smart agriculture, such as crop diversification, protection of flora, fauna, streams and aquifer mantles, promoting care for biodiversity and improving the income of each of the producing families.
– Our cocoa has a fine aroma, is characterized by the richness of its flavors, fruity, floral, herbal and woody notes, as well as intense and balanced chocolate bases. This is achieved thanks to the fact that cocoa coexists under a scheme of diversification of fruit species (mamey, mango, citrus, banana and vanilla) and flowers that improve the characteristics of the cultivation. To date, we have managed to maintain 100 hectares as AB (Friend with Biodiversity).
– We are governed by the “Decalogue for producers of Fine Aroma Cocoa” which is based on the production under a scheme of conservation of ecosystems, the integration of other species of fruit and wood, good cultural cleaning work, conserving the quality of the soil avoiding agrochemicals for sowing, the management of the selection of its seeds and an excellent post-harvest management.
– From 2016 to 2018, we participated in the “Paisajes que Alimentan el Alma: Cacao” Initiative implemented by Conservación México, in collaboration with the Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (UNACH) and other partners, seeking to rescue the production of native cocoa and the consumption of chocolate in Mexico.
– Since 2019, we are part of the initiative “Alianza por los Paisajes Sostenibles” and the initiative “Mercados por un Futuro Sostenible” both led by the Rainforest Alliance, promoting the development of diagnostics of vulnerability to climate change to strengthen the resilience of producers and to expand their capacities in good agricultural practices, conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems. In addition, their entrepreneurial and market access skills are being developed.
– We have maintained a resistance to the growth of the urban stain in the Soconusco area, as can be seen in the following images:
– A AFS, is an area where a main crop is combined with other secondary crops, forest trees and sometimes animals. These systems have proved to be a land management strategy, which, compared with low forested systems, improve the adaptive capacity of agricultural ecosystems to the threats of climate change.
– The cocoa AFS´s in RAYEN are multi-diverse, some systems combine the mamey zapote (Pouteria sapota) that provides shade to the cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.), in addition to ornamental cut flowers (family Heliconiaceae), bananas (family Musaceae), and other woody trees such as oak (Tabebuia rosea) and spring (Tabebuia chrysantha).
– The new models of cocoa AFS are: cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) under the shade of mango (Mangifera indica), chestnut (Anacardium occidentale), coconut (Cocos nucifera), among others.
– RAYEN’s AFS is home to a wide variety of plants, birds, insects, fungi, reptiles and microorganisms. And the plots serve as habitat for threatened and endangered species according to NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, such as the yellow neck parrot (Amazona auropalliata).
– Our society remains organized, our partners, producers and collaborators receive constant training to achieve better results as a society and with our product.
– We have carried out knowledge exchange tours at national level and different countries such as: Costa Rica, Ecuador, Colombia, trying to be up to date with the trend of cocoa and its transformation into chocolate bar and its derivatives.
– We seek to integrate young people (children of producers), strengthening their enterprise under which, they generated from the fine aroma cocoa produced by RAYEN, their own chocolate bar with the name of “Pentacao”, which has all the elements to enter competitions at national and international level.
– We offer tours to anyone interested in making visits and guided tours to the plots of Rayen producers, seeking to make known the good practices developed in the cultivation.
– Thanks to the partnership with our clients, we have obtained benefits for young people such as the donation of equipment for the elaboration of their first chocolate bar; as well as the delivery of more than 10,000 cocoa plants for the producers, which reward the good practices carried out on their plots, respecting the Decalogue for producers.
– Given the quality of the cocoa marketed, we have managed to obtain competitive prices for our product, with which we have achieved the following benefits:
1. Increase in the profits of the society, which, at the end of the harvest, are distributed among the partners, in equal parts, helping the economy of the families.
2. Offer a fair purchase price to producers who deliver their cocoa in sludge to Rayen.
– With the diversification of fruit trees, ornamental cut flowers and vanilla within the plantations, it also supports the economy of the producers, since additional income is obtained from the marketing of the obtained by-products.
Our alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals

We participate in Fair Trade markets, which allows us to offer a fair price to cocoa producers.

We generate actions to ensure the full and effective participation of women in the production chain.

We seek sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth for the participants in the productive chain, through full, productive employment and decent work for all.

Through the fair price policy, we have a positive impact on the well-being of cocoa farmers, thus seeking to reduce inequalities.

We promote the development of sustainable agroforestry systems, increasing the income generation of producers, through the commercialization of the by-products obtained.
Thank you for coming this far
Do you want to know more?
Contact us and participate as an ambassador of the work done by Cacao Sostenible RAYEN and supports producers of “Fine Aroma High Speciality Cocoa” focused on the care and maintenance of the biodiversity of cocoa agroforestry ecosystems.
WhatsApp: 962 696 5139
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Cacaorayen/